Friday, October 12, 2007

UpdateStar 1.0.14

UpdateStar 1.0.14

Fize Size:7773KB Language:English OS:Win2000/XP/2003 Date added:October 10,2007
License:Free WEB:

UpdateStar scans your computer for installed software products and produces a list of your inventory and available updates, along with download link and additional information. The program not only works with widely used commercial products, but also with many freeware and shareware programs available from the web. UpdateStar runs in the system tray and can automatically check for updates on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. You can customize the list of products and choose to ignore updates from certain products. The update database is maintained by the developer and accepts input from users to help improve the accuracy. The current version recognized about half of the 50 products we had installed, so there is definitely room for improvement. Overall, however, this is a very promising product.

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